A Toolkit
Telling the story of civil society
This is a toolkit to help you build new narratives about civil society. It is designed to guide you through the process of carrying out communications work dedicated to changing the narrative around civil society in your context.
You will find advice for finding and sharing stories that build support for civil society, but also practical steps you can follow to integrate narrative change into your own work.

Why narrative matters
What do you want people to know about civil society?
How narratives can grow civic space
Strategic approach
Narratives are made by constantly repeating words, images and storytelling. If we do not tell our story, it can never become a narrative.
Normal communications raises awareness, strategic communications changes attitudes and behavior. We do so by identifying goals, knowing and prioritizing stakeholders, creating hope-based narratives and conveying them to our stakeholders to engage and mobilize them.
Narrative communications is about telling our shared story: the values we want to live together by, the vision we have for the future, knowing our audience and the voices that need to be heard. Everyone has a part to play in telling the story of civil society, and this toolkit aims to make it easier for you to tell your part of that story.
People are more likely to support something they feel a part of.
People need to see something in order to understand and believe in it.
How to design your narrative comms strategy [in three steps]
How to use the toolkit
This “toolkit on a website” takes you through a three-step Message-Audience-Story process to design and run your own narrative communications strategy. Each step contains worksheets and instructions you can use to develop your narrative with your colleagues, allies, and stakeholders. These will provide you with the basic pillars of a narrative communications strategy – the message you want to share, the audiences whose support and engagement you need, and the stories and images you need to share to bring your narrative to life. You can then plug the results of the exercises into the template strategy document provided to guide your on-going work.
We worked with civil society groups in El Salvador to identify narratives that would build support for their work.
To articulate the narrative to promote, we ran workshops where activists talked about the values messages that underpin support for civil society. They drew images that expressed their ideas and the kinds of stories that showed their values in action. We then worked with solutions journalists to create articles and videos telling stories that brought those values to life. We ran tests on social media to see which ones resonated best with potential supporters. You can find the results and the insights we drew from them throughout this microsite.
This toolkit shares the messages that worked for us but also the approach we used to find and refine them, so that you can follow the same approach and come up with your own strategy. We are sharing work we did in El Salvador, but the tactics we used can be adapted. You can use the content, although it will probably be different. This website also provides guidance for that.
Once your goal is set, we believe a simple strategy can be built around three pillars: message, audience, story.
A hope-based approach to talking about civil society
Shift 1
From fear to hope
Shift 2
From problem to solution
Shift 3
From against to for
Talk about what it means to be for civil society, and part of it. When you support civil society you are actually for community and togetherness.
Shift 4
From threat to opportunity
Shift 5
From victim to human
Narrative leaders
The people whose voice you want to elevate. Ideally they will be with your campaign from the beginning, articulating the values in your early workshops and taking part in the stories you tell.
Train them to give interviews in the media and to make their own content with their smartphone. Narrative leaders are the people who will turn your campaign into sustainable narrative work: They will continue to tell stories and encourage others in the movement to think about narrative. And they can give interviews when you want to frame the day’s news in terms of your narrative.