Use this worksheet to draw the picture you want people to see when they hear your message about “civil society.”
This should be a real-life story involving real people doing real things. It should be something that happens in society that you and your supporters can share on their own phones, or a story you can go and bring to life yourselves. Once you know the kind of story you want to tell, you can build your strategy and partnerships around the clear goal of making this story more salient in society.
How to
Figure out what your story is
What does it look like when people act on your values in everyday life?
How does everyday life look different in the future you want to build?
Who are the faces of civil society whose voice you want people to hear? What does it look like when other people see, hear and engage with them with respect and dignity?
Explore more tools
We use a messaging house to highlight some simple topline messages that we need to repeat over and over again so that they stick in people’s minds.
This is a simple exercise to start articulating your values message.
Rhetorical and policy attacks on civil society are an effort to shrink civic space by destroying public faith in organizations and public motivation for participation.
Here are some tips for how to work with partners to tell narrative-changing stories.
Communications strategy outline once you have a clear goal.
Map out the potential supporters who share your values. You want to mobilize and organize these people to spread your narrative for you.
We use a messaging house to highlight some simple topline messages that we need to repeat over and over again so that they stick in people’s minds.